
Cuba in SUP: The Best of Both Worlds

Weather conditions have been changing for the past few years. In Quebec, if the winds are now very irregular, in Cuba, the statistics are not the same. So I had to adapt to this new reality and get used to the idea that conditions are not always perfect for kitesurfing.

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Paddle Board Fishing: a New Way to Experience Your Next Trip!
La pêche et le paddle board; deux sports qui font bon ménage. La popularité de la pratique du paddle board a considérablement augmenté dans les deux dernières années. Pourtant, il est encore rare d’observer un adepte remplacer sa pagaie par une canne à pêche, c’est pourquoi on t’a préparé un blogue qui te permettra de découvrir TOUS les avantages de la pêche en paddle board!
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How to Challenge Yourself on a Paddle Board

We see more and more paddle boarders; those who travel long distances, who show off on Instagram with their mega yoga positions for two, who paddle surf on huge waves, who catch monster fish... The search for personal well-being is one of the reasons why adrenaline or endorphin junkies are driven to excel. This blog aims to advise people who do not want to break records in the public square, but simply be proud of having accomplished a personal goal.

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